The baroness and her daughter, though, would not give up so easily. Especially not now that they knew the king was on their side. They frequented the palace, and because of that, the prince avoided the place. Since Leila was unkind to our mute mermaid, the prince often took her sailing with him. Again, another opportunity she didn’t take advantage of. When the prince tried conversing with her, she just nodded and smiled, and that was the end of it.
One day, though, the baroness arrived bringing along with her one of the nephews who were dependent on her for their allowance.
“My nephew, Pig, your highness,” the baroness told the prince.
“P-pig?” The prince asked.
“Yes. We call him that because he eats like one. For a living, he uh… plays with rocks.”
“I am a sculptor, Aunt,” Pig corrected the baroness. “I do not play with rocks, I make art.”