Philippine Genre Stories 2025: Call For Submissions!

PGS is opening its portals once more for submissions of previously unpublished and non-AI-generated stories that explore and experiment with the genres which are written in English or in any of the native languages with an English translation. 

Each story considered for publication may receive developmental edits. Authors/translators of chosen stories for publication will be contacted via email. Stories slated for publication will be compensated with a humble fee. All authors/translators of selected stories for each month will also be featured via a short profile.   

Students and unpublished writers from the provinces are encouraged to submit. With Mia Tijam still serving as Guest Editor, please email your submissions to philippinegenrestories(at)gmail(dot)com.

For stories in English:

  1. Use subject line: Last name of author: Title of the Story
  2. Submit story as DOCx attachment with file name format Last name of Author_Title of the Story
  3. Follow the story format of minimum 2,000 to maximum 6,000 words; font type Times New Roman/Arial/Calibri; font size 11 or 12; double-spaced; 1” margin all sides.
  4. Submit maximum 200-word author’s bio with profile photo as one DOCx attachment with file name format Last Name of Author_BIO.
  5. Deadline for submissions is on December 15, 2024 (PGS will be taking a hiatus after December 31, 2025).

For stories in the native languages with an English translation or vice versa:

  1. Use subject line: Last name of author/Last name of translator: Title of the Story
  2. Submit story as two (2) DOCx attachment with file name format: 1) Last name of Author/Translator_Title of the Story_English; 2) Last name of Author/Translator_Title of the story_Native Language e.g. Rinconada.
  3. Follow the story format of minimum 2,000 to maximum 6,000 words; font type Times New Roman/Arial/Calibri; font size 11 or 12; double-spaced; 1” margin all sides.
  4. Story submission may include non-AI-generated art/graphic embedded after story title and byline, with credit to the artist.
  5. Submit maximum 200-word author’s bio and 200-word translator’s bio with respective profile photos as one (1) DOCx attachment with file name format: Last Name of Author/Last Name of Translator_BIO.
  6. Deadline for submissions is on December 15, 2024 (PGS will be taking a hiatus after December 31, 2025).

We’d kindly appreciate submissions to follow the guidelines to minimize the back-and-forth in the submission requirements. Please leave a comment or write via email if you have additional clarifications. 

Reading of submissions will be from July 2024 to January 2025, and during this period submitted stories will be receiving notices of acknowledgement, acceptance, or feedback. 

Send your stories!

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